The Lumberjack

The Lumberjack


A fan favorite, are your britches big enough to ride with Paul and Babe?


The Lumberjack….Paul Bunyan and his Ox Babe, these guys are the toughest, workenist, get er done folks in all of the northern woods. They’re not afraid to kill a few trees, but don’t worry they hugged them first!

As the legend goes, it took five huge storks to deliver the infant (already gigantic) Paul Bunyan to his parents in Bangor, Maine. When he grew older, one drag of the mighty lumberjack’s massive ax created the Grand Canyon, while the giant footprints of his trusty companion, Babe the Blue Ox, filled with water and became Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes.  Are you big enough, bad enough, to sport the Lumberjack?  Got Wood?

All Freerider Wraps are available for most all new and current sleds.  Arctic Cat, Ski Doo, Polaris and Yamaha.  We have templates for all so please note in your order year make and model of your sled.